Home security has come a long ways from the days when a bright porch light, a strong deadbolt, and perhaps a big dog in a fenced yard were considered the ultimate in home protection. Technology has changed our lives for the better in a variety of ways, and options concerning home security are no exception. Perhaps best of all, we now have the ability to custom-design our own security systems to meet the personal needs and preferences of our households.
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Vacation time is the time of the year when your home is most susceptible to burglary. Even if you have a high-tech security system in your home, the fact that your home is vacant will make it a tempting target for burglars.
However, you can protect your home while you're away and minimize the chances of burglary by avoiding the following five security mistakes before you leave for your trip:
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Fire hoses can be a vital part of your building's safety and security system. Some hoses are meant for use by the building tenants, while other hoses are specifically placed for emergency workers. Extinguishers are available for immediate use for small fires, while a hose gives emergency workers instant access to a large amount of water without having to hook up or haul their own hoses into the building. This is especially necessary in large or tall buildings where hoses from the truck may not reach a fire deep inside the building.
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If you own a daycare, the safety of the children should be your number one concern. There are many people who assume that daycares are very safe because they do not realize that they are not secure at all. Ensure that your staff and the children in your daycare are as safe as they can be with a security system. The following guide walks you through a few features that a security system offers that would be beneficial to your daycare.
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According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were more than 47,000 homes that caught on fire in 2011 as a result of some sort of malfunction of failure of the electrical system. As a result, over 400 people died, over 1,500 people were injured and roughly $1.4 billion was caused in property damage. Therefore, it is crucial that you know what to do in order to prevent home electrical fires.
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